Sunday 11 March 2012

Starting to work towards final image.

I have really stupidly lost most of my experiments, but they were very similar to the simple edit I did on the image of Rihanna. I used images of Beyonce mainly as I found her to be one of the most influential women of todays popular culture. However, I was given the suggestion of looking at using women who would not normally be seen within sexualised images of cyborgs, such as overweight or typically unattractive women. One image I was looking to work with was this... 

...however after trying to add a few cyborg type alterations, I found that it looked too fake and my knowledge of Photoshop is not advanced enough to make it work. Most of the other experiments were simple overlays with the celebrities, I think I must have saved them to a mac in Uni rather than to my USB stick, like an idiot. 

Going from the idea of using overweight women, I decided to look at the opposite end of the scale and look at women who have suffered with anorexia. 

Along with the images again being difficult to work with due to the positions of the women, upon reflection I thought that using such images would be very cliche when looking at female body image. I didn't want my project to become something based on weight, as that is not completely what I have been focusing on and I wouldn't want the theme to take such a dramatic turn during the end of the project.

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