Sunday 11 March 2012

Creating my final image.

I chose to start with this image of the plus size model Tara Lynn. As stated previously in my research, I really liked the idea of a female cyborg being held up to show the restraints and control that media has over the female identity. I initially started editing simply by using the patch and clone tools to remove all of the writing upon the image. After this, I desaturated the image for two reasons, one being that it was simply going to be easier to edit with black and white, as I do not feel confident enough within my knowledge to create an image that would look realistic enough when having to worry about colour. Secondly, I think that black and white helped to convey my theme more as it kept it quite simple and the focus was kept on the workings of the cyborg rather than distracting colours. If I were to use colour, I would want them to be similar to the work of avatar photography that I looked into.

I went on to remove the piece of cloth that are connected to the hoops that the models arms are on. This was simple enough to do and I didn't worry too much about the details as it was a small section of the image and I would be covering it up in the next stage.

I then used this image of chains to replace the fabric to make it look more mechanical and restricted. Being tied up with chains seems to me to reflect both the pain/restriction side of cyborgs and the sexual side. I used the magic wand tool to select the chains, so close up, they look quite pixelated and are not very well connected to the hoops. The colour/texture also does not completely work, but from a distance I think it looks okay. I hope that I can learn how to fix this in the future. 

I then used the magnetic lasso tool to select this skull style metal mask and used overlay to put it onto the models face. I decreased the opacity so that it seemed to fit better and erased the edges and the eye sockets so that you can see the models eyes, I feel that this brought a deeper connection to the image, as I have stated in my very initial research when looking into eyes...eyes can be said to be the window to the soul.

I then used the patch and clone tools to get rid of her legs, I didn't worry about being too accurate with this as I knew I was going to cover up her hips. I concentrated on getting the background right so that the coloured matched and didn't look patchy. I then experimented with using this image of a stomach with a measuring tape around it. If I knew how to do it, I had the idea of using a measuring tape to tie her up further and restrict her. However I do realise that this would be going back to making it about weight and dress size, so I am kind of glad it didn't work out. 

I used the quick selection tool to capture a certain part of the image of wires, I then deleted small sections of it to blend it into the black on the models top. I think that it looks quite a bit like a skirt, which links to my idea of looking at cyborgs in fashion. I also wanted her to be suspended by the chains, adding to her restriction. I had to clone over some of the wires so that the brick wasn't there and so that it was less obvious they were on the floor, but I think it was quite successful. 

I was happy with the image up to then, as I think it captures exactly what I want to say. However, I did originally want the woman in the image to be nude. Therefore, the final thing I added to my image was these breasts as I wanted to sexualise the model. I used an image of a woman who has fake breast implants, as I wanted them to be over the top and capture what I wanted to say about the expectations of women. The fact that she has large fake breasts and then the rest of her has become monsterous and restricted sums up my theme perfectly.

At first the overlaying of the breasts didn't work very well, so I had to add more shadows to the natural upper curve of the breasts by using the clone tool.

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