Sunday 11 March 2012

Marilyn Manson.

Marilyn Manson: Tourniquet-1999

The cyborg images I posted in my previous post, largely reminded me of the visuals within this music video for Marilyn Manson. The girl within the video, seems to be both the love interest and somewhat of an experiment of Mansons. To me it seems that he creates her, falls for her, then she takes over and has some kind of control over him. I tried to screen shot some of this video but it is very jumpy and moves too quickly for me to capture it, but there is a scene where Manson has become to look like the girl (you'd have to watch to understand) and seems to be connected to her via a number of wires. He seems very uncomfortable and she seems to have a certain amount of control over him, which seems very sexual due to the fact she is kissing his face whilst he is in this uncomfortable situation. 

To me this demonstrates the effects that the pressures for women can have on relationships, how women can perhaps go too far and how it can reflect on how men perceive them in a negative light.
As following from what I said about the images in the post before this, the cyborg in this video seems to be almost monstrous, whilst still being seen as a sexual object/fantasy. I find the contradictory ideas here very interesting, the fact that a woman could be seen as intimidating and frightening, whilst still desirable.

I continued to look into Mansons videos and came across a number of them that to me, related to cyborgs.
This video stood out to me the most...

Marilyn Manson: I don't like the drugs (but the drugs like me) - 1999

This video from the same year as Tourniquet, to me, greatly seems to be about the control the media has over society. There is a scene where a woman is seen to be 'pregnant with a television', again suggesting a sexual connection for cyborgs. This is again obviously a very negative video in relation to cyborgs and their effects, showing how the media and technology can have a hold on us and change us. As suggested by the song title, I think that Manson is comparing the media and technology to drugs, that we can become addicted to it and that whilst is seems like a good thing to do, it can have terrible repercussions and ultimately can ruin our lives with a great control over us.

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