Sunday 11 March 2012

Reflection on feedback session.

I looked into a few of the suggestions that I took from the feedback session and came up with these results:

Deus Ex The Eyeborg Documentary: 2011

This video follows Rob Spence as he looks into real life cyborgs around the world, comparing what he discovers to the main character, Adam Jensen, of the game Deus Ex, is a cyborg. Spence is a cyborg himself, with a camera fitted in his eye from 2008. (coincidentally, I have an image of his eye in one of my first posts, before I knew of him, but here it is again...)

The video seems to take cyborgs in a Utopian light, showing how the developments of technology are enhancing peoples lives. Whilst I completely agree with that and am very happy and impressed that these enhancements can improve quality of life for some people, the video also vaguely addresses the restrictions of being a cyborg. One man tells us how his cyborg legs can not walk upstairs, and we find that this issue is only slowly becoming solved. To me this seems to show that whilst technology can improve the lives of those who have lost limbs and such, cyborg enhancements can never completely replace the natural human body, as if those who are unfortunate enough to have to use technology in such a way, may always feel there is something missing.

I also looked at the cyborg experiments of Joanna Zylinska and the cyborg manifesto of Donna Haraway ( but unfortunately didn't find that they helped me much and don't feel I took enough information from them to deem it worth writing about. Perhaps I didn't look into the Joanna Zylinska work far enough though, a fault on my part, but it's too late for that!

Pornification of the western world is something I took from the feedback session as a great sentence that sums up what I am interested in here. However I have been finding it very difficult to find anything in specific about this theory, so will just have to leave it as a phrase.

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