Sunday 11 March 2012

Photoshoot Op.

Once deciding to focus this project on the physical expectations of women, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could find a photographer who would be willing to photograph me and edit me to look like a cyborg.

I was curious to know how I would be modified to become a "perfect" version of myself. I also thought it would be a very unique addition to my own modelling portfolio.

I came across the local photographer Paul Baybut, who's work can be seen here:

Baybut was already in the process of working on his own cyborg project, as seen with this following image, which I find to be very impressive.  

I contacted Baybut and he agreed to work with me on this, however, unfortunately his studio became booked out and the only time he would be able to shoot would be March 17th, after the deadline for this project. I initially agreed to shoot regardless of this, as I still think it would be great for my modelling portfolio and find it a very interesting project. However, I became unable to shoot and had to cancel due to having to go home from Uni for the weekend that we had arranged to shoot.

Hopefully we will be able to get back to working on this in the future and I will be able to see what I would look like as a cyborg!

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