Friday 17 February 2012

Peter Kennard-Research

Born: 1949

Kennard is a British artist who works with photomontage, photography and instillation pieces to convey his messages. His work is very politically based and often has a dystopian feel to it. In my opinion his images convey how technology has effected the world in a very negative way, much of his work is based on wars and world suffering. 

The photomontage style of Kennards work is very interesting to me, as I think it allows him to convey his message more dramatically and originally, therefore getting the attention they were intended to. I wish to experiment with this technique, though feel it may be difficult to create something to a similar standard. His dytopian standpoint is very interesting, and although I do not have a strong opinion on politics, I may follow a quite similar route within my work.

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