Sunday 19 February 2012

Black Eyed Peas.

Black Eyed Peas: Boom Boom Pow - 2008

Black Eyed Peas: Imma Be Rocking That Body - 2010

The videos from this group also interested me in regards to the theme of cyborgs. "Boom Boom Pow" speaks for itself as they focus mainly on fashion and being "up to date". The second video however, I think shows much more room for analysis...

Whilst also using the fashion styles to attract attention to the female member, Fergie, showing again the sexualisation of the video, I feel that the use of technology has been taken to another level here. Throughout the video I feel that the use of technology suggests power and wealth, when paired with the lyrics of the song and what seems to be the meaning behind it. The band are driving around in futuristic vehicles (wealth) and win in a battle against robots, gaining them respect from the public (power). However, as the video is a dream sequence, an alternate reality (as seems to be a common theme within these videos!) the acting at the start of the video suggests something different to the meanings of wealth and power. At the start they seem to be in a conflict of opinions about how technology would affect the "soul" of their music, with phrases such as "we're not robots!" being repeated. This is quite confusing as the band contradict this with the rest of their video, as if they are trying to excuse themselves for their almost superficial behaviour. 

Robots and cyborgs are often seen within the bands fashion and performances, showing that it is a very common theme within their image. Fergie's outfits continue to be sexualised, and her face is never covered, whilst the male members are dressed intimidatingly and made to look powerful.

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