Sunday 19 February 2012

Christina Aguilera Album Artwork.

Whilst researching images of cyborgs, I came across the album artwork of Christina Aguilera's "Bionic" album. I am still trying to find the artist for these images, as I think they are very impressive and inspire me quite a lot. I feel the idea within these images is to create the "perfect woman". Aguilera is seen with perfect makeup and hair, in very provocative poses and most of the images have been altered to make her look like a cyborg. I particularly like the image of her legs, where they have been separated from the body and made to look very mechanical. I think that the fact the underwear is within this image makes it much more striking, as the series is very sexual and although I'm sure Aguliera intended for this to be positive, I find it to say quite a lot about what is expected of women in a very negative light. 

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