Sunday 19 February 2012


I have been looking into other celebrities that can be associated with cyborgs, and have discovered that Beyonce often uses technological influences within her wardrobe. These examples show her dressed as a robot on stage, using a more subtle approach when at an award show with the cyborg hand and then again using the technological influence in her performance outfits in a more extravagant way with the motorcycle outfit (designed by Thierry Mulger).

Beyonce is currently a very influential figure within popular culture, and holds a very high standard for women to live up to regarding her looks. As she often sings of feminist issues and is seen as a great role model, women may feel pressured to live up to her appearance also.

The way she uses her cyborg style outfits are very creative, however I feel they yet again reflect how women are seen within society regarding beauty. Examples of this are also seen within her music videos, following a similar theme to those of Christina Aguilera, having the performers look "perfectly" and then having them dressed/influnces of technology throughout the videos.

Beyonce: Single Ladies (put a ring on it)-2009

Similar to her award show appearance, this video is very simple yet she has the subtle cyborg hand/arm yet again. At the end of the video we hear the mechanical sounds that would come with the movement of the hand, drawing attention to it right before fading to black. The fact that the hand is that which the wedding ring would be worn, when put with the lyrics of "put a ring on it" suggest an idea of conforming to societies expectations of a woman by getting married.

Beyonce: Sweet Dreams-2009

This video shows Beyonce in an alternate "dream" reality. And much like Aguileras "Keeps Gettin' Better" video, shows many different versions of the performer. Most are simply costume changes where she looks beautiful, and the concentration seems to be on that. However for once short sequence we see her dressed in a robot like outfit. For this part of the song she sings "not even death could make us part", suggesting to me that love or any emotions can be kept eternal through technology. It also sounds slightly more sinister to me, creating an idea of being attached to a person, or thing (perhaps a technological item) forever. 

Beyonce: Video Phone ft. Lady Gaga - 2009

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